Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Little Something

A Little Something

Statement jewelry is my go to in most situations.  Lately, however, I have been feeling like something a little lighter is appropriate.  On days when the heft of a statement necklace feels suffocating I have been adding a barely-there thin gold chain, or a barely-there gold band ring, and small gold hoop earrings. 

The chain was a gift in my teenage years.  It is sweet with three barely visible hearts.  It has been sitting in the back of my jewelry box for years when it seemed too saccharine for the statement I was feeling.  On occasion these days it feels like a nice variation.  I have also found it can provide a glint to balance out larger pieces or articles of clothing. 

While large jewelry can make a statement, small chains and tiny charms can feel like a tiny flirt or a second skin.  Statement jewelry is fun.  Sometimes, however, a little something just feels right.